Pain Disorders
Dr. Heymen is a psychologist with over 25 years experience working with chronic pain patients (see Publications tab at top of page, references #1,2,15,16).
Dr. Heymen combines his Master’s Degree training in Clinical Psychology with his Doctoral training in Biological Psychology from UNC to understand the interactive roles that psychological factors and physiological factors play in chronic pain symptoms.
In addition, chronic pain often has a major psychological impact on a patient’s quality of life and can lead to many other problems in health, career, and relationships. Dr. Heymen believes that successful pain management addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of pain.
Pain Disorders that Dr. Heymen treats include:
Muscle tension headache, neck, and back pain
Migraine headache
Tempero-mandibular Disorders
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Pelvic floor pain