

  1. Heymen S, Maixner W, Whitehead WE, Klatzkin R, Mechlin B, Light K. Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC) are Compromised in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome Compared with Healthy Controls. Clinical Journal of Pain, 2010; 26(2):104-09.
  2. Mechlin B, Heymen S, Edwards CL, Girdler SS.  Ethnic differences in cardiovascular-somatosensory interactions and in the central processing of noxious stimuli.  Psychophysiology, 2010 Oct 29. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2010.01140.x. [Epub ahead of print].

    Psychological factors involved in GI disorders

  4. Heymen, S., Wexner, S., & Gullegde, D., (1993). MMPI assessment of patients with functional bowel disorders. Disease of the Colon and Rectum, 36, 6, 593-96.
  5. Heymen S. Psychological and cognitive variables affecting treatment outcomes for urinary and fecal incontinence. Gastroenterol 2004;126:S146-S151. Review.

    Biofeedback for Fecal Incontinence

  7. Heymen S, Pikarsky A, Weiss E, Vickers D, Nogueras J, & Wexner S. (2000). A prospective randomized trial comparing four biofeedback techniques for patients with fecal incontinence. Colorectal Disease, 2, 88-92.
  8. Heymen, S., Scarlett, Y., Jones, K., Ringel, Y., Drossman, D.A., & Whitehead, W.E. Randomized controlled trial (RCT) shows biofeedback to be superior to alternative treatments for patients with fecal incontinence. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum. 2009; 52(10):1730-1737.
  9. Heymen S, Jones KR, Ringel Y, Scarlett Y, and Whitehead WE. Biofeedback treatment of fecal incontinence: a critical review. Diseases Colon Rectum, 2001;44(5) 728-36. Review.

    Biofeedback for Constipation

  11. Wexner SD, Cheape JD, Jorge JMN, Heymen JS, and Jagelman DG (1992). Prospective assessment of biofeedback for the treatment of paradoxical puborectalis contraction. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 35, 2, 145-50.
  12. Gilliland R, Heymen S, Altomare DF, Park UC, Vickers D, & Wexner SD. Outcome and predictors of success of biofeedback for constipation. British Journal of Gastroenterology, 1997; 84: 1123-26.
  13. Heymen S, Wexner S, Vickers D, Nogueras J,  Weiss E, Pikarsky A. (1999).  Prospective randomized trial comparing four biofeedback techniques for patients with constipation. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 42, 11 1388-1393.
  14. Lau CW, Heymen S, Alabaz O, Iroatulam AJN, and Wexner SD (2000). Prognostic significance of rectocele, intussusception, and other conditions in biofeedback treatment for constipated patients with paradoxical puborectalis contraction. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 43(4):478-82.
  15. Heymen, S., Scarlett, Y., Jones, K., Ringel, Y., Drossman, D.A., & Whitehead, W.E. Randomized controlled trial (RCT) shows biofeedback to be superior to alternative treatments for patients with pelvic floor dyssynergia-type constipation (PFD). Diseases Colon Rectum, 2007;50(4):428-41.
  16. Heymen S, Jones KR, Scarlett Y, Whitehead WE. Biofeedback treatment of constipation: a critical review. Dis Colon Rectum. 2003 Sep;46(9):1208-17. Review.
  17. Chiarioni G, Heymen S, Whitehead WE. Biofeedback therapy for dyssynergic defecation. World J Gastroenterology 2006 Nov;28;12(44) 7069-7074. Review.

    Biofeedback for Pelvic Floor Pain

  19. Ger, G., Wexner, S., Jorge, M., Lee, E., Amaranath, A., Heymen, S., Nogueras, J., & Jagelman, D. (1993). Evaluation and treatment of chronic intractable rectal pain - a frustrating endeavor. Disease of the Colon and  Rectum, 36, 2, 139-45.
  20. Gilliland R, Heymen S, Altomare DF, Vickers D, & Wexner SD, Biofeedback for intractable rectal pain: outcome and predictors of success. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1997; 2,190-96.Kunduru L, Kim SM, Heymen S, Whitehead WE. Factors That Affect Consultation and Screening for Fecal Incontinence. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 Aug 19. pii: S1542-3565(14)01230-0.

    Fecal Incontinence

  22. Nyrop KA, Grover M, Palsson OS, Heymen S, Palmer MH, Goode PS, Whitehead WE, Busby-Whitehead J. Physician attributes that influence the decision to refer a patient with fecal incontinence to a nursing home. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2012 May;13(4):350-4.
  23. Dunivan GC, Heymen S, Palsson OS, Von Korff M, Turner MJ, Melville JL, Whitehead WE. Fecal incontinence in primary care: prevalence, diagnosis, and health care utilization. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2010 May;202(5):493.e1-6. Epub 2010 Mar 12. 
  24. Grover M, Busby-Whitehead J, Palmer MH, Heymen S, Palsson OS, Goode PS, Turner MJ & Whitehead WE. Survey of Geriatricians on the Impact of Fecal Incontinence on Nursing Home Referral. Journal American Geriatric Society; 2010 Jun 1;58(6):1058-62. Epub 2010 May 7.PMID: 20487073.


  26. Brownley KA, Galanko JA, Heymen S, Hinderliter AL, MacIntosh B. Low-glycemic load decreases postprandial insulin and glucose and increases postprandial ghrelin in white but not black women. J Nutr. 2012 Jul;142(7):1240-5.
  27. Brownley KA, Heymen S, Hinderliter AL. Effect of Glycemic Load on Peptide YY Levels in a Biracial Sample of Obese and Normal Weight Women. Obesity (2009) doi:10.1038/oby.2009.368.

Recent Abstracts

  1.  Palsson O, Heymen S, Whitehead WE. Abdominal Pain Versus Abdominal Discomfort: Implications for Diagnostic Assessment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). United European Gastroenterology Journal October 2014 2 (1) suppl: P0405.
  2. Heymen S, Palsson O, Kim SM, Twist S, Whitehead WE. Patient Preferences for Terminology Used to Identify Fecal Incontinence. United European Gastroenterology Journal October 2014 2 (1) suppl: P0419.
  3. Whitehead WE, Palsson OS, Kim SM, Twist S. Patient Perspectives for Endpoints in Clinical Trials for Fecal Incontinence. United European Gastroenterology Journal October 2014 2 (1) suppl: P0986.
  4. Palsson O, Heymen S, Whitehead WE. Does Perceived Stigma Affect Healthcare Consulting and Quality of Life in Fecal Incontinence? United European Gastroenterology Journal October 2014 2 (1) suppl: P1574.
  5. Heymen S, Palsson O, Gangarosa L, Girdler S, Whitehead WE. Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls (DNIC) are Compromised in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Compared to Healthy Controls (HC). Gastroenterology, 2011; Volume 140 (5) Suppl 1,S538.  
  6. Heymen S, Palsson, Maixner W, Gangarosa L, Girdler S, Whitehead WE. Temporal Summation in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Compared to Healthy Controls (HC). Gastroenterology, 2011; Volume 140 (5) Suppl 1,S539.
  7. Chiarioni G, Pieramico O, Vantini I, Heymen S, Whitehaed, WE. Utility of  the   Balloon-Evacuation Test for Identifying Patients With Dyssynergic Defecation
    Gastroenterology, 2011, Volume 140 (5) ,Suppl 1,S-797.
  8. Chiarioni G, Pieramico O, Vantini I, Heymen S, Whitehaed, WE. Utility of Physical Examination and Questionnaire for Identifying Patients Who Do Not Have Dyssynergic Defecation. Gastroenterology, 2011 Volume 140 (5) ,Suppl 1,S-800.

Book Chapters

  1. Heymen S. & Wexner SD, (1995). Biofeedback for constipation. In: Smith LE, (Ed.) A Practical Guide To Anorectal Testing (2nd ed.). Igaku-Shoin New York, 261-270.
  2. Nogueras J. & Heymen S. (1995). “Biofeedback for Paradoxical Puborectalis Contraction”. In: Wexner SD, & Bartolo DCC, (Eds) Constipation:  Etiology, Evaluation and Management. Butterworth Heinemann, London, 223-231.
  3. Strickland M. & Heymen S. (1995). “Psychiatric Treatment of Constipation”. In: Wexner SD, & Bartolo DCC, (Eds.) Constipation: Etiology, Evaluation and Management. Butterworth Heinemann, London, 251 - 261.
  4. Whitehead WE, Heymen S, Schuster MM. Motility as a therapeutic modality: biofeedback treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. Chapter 27. In MM Schuster, MD Crowell, KL Koch (Eds.), Atlas of Gastrointestinal Motility in Health and Disease. London, BC Decker Inc. 2002; 381-397.
  5. Jones KR, Heymen S, Whitehead WE. Biofeedback for Anorectal Disorders. In: Drutz HP, Herschorn S, Diamant NE (Eds), Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery. London, Springer-Verlag, 2003. Pp 313-325.
  6. Heymen S, Kuijpers H. Biofeedback for pelvic floor disorders. in Wexner S, Stollman J. (Eds), Diseases of the Colon. Informa 2006, New York 261-278.